Send Documents that can't be tampered with
Easily protect documents sent through email from alteration and certify their origin

Protect Documents from Tampering and Spoofing with mxSeal
If not protected, every document (PDF, DOC, XLS, etc.) your organization sends can easily be altered or forged - invoices, contracts, user IDs, medical records, permits, tenders, any of it. mxSeal, uses powerful digital signature technology to seal, tamper-proof and certify your files directly from the convenience of email.
Documents digitally protected by mxSeal remain perpetually protected during their entire lifetime, wherever they are saved and for every copy.
Easy To Use
mxSeal is easy to use. To protect documents sent as email attachments, just add your configured keyword to the subject line, e.g., #seal. mxSeal will digitally seal and sign every attachment before delivery to your recipients.
Just send your email to go@mxseal.com to protect every attachment
Works from every email program
Works from every device - desktops, laptops, mobile phones
No downloads or email software plugins required
Tamper-proof &
Verified identity
mxSeal offers personalized digital signatures, allowing recipients to trust that documents are not only untampered but also from your organization. Any change to a document immediately breaks the digital seal, revealing violations.
Personalized digital signatures certify documents are from your organization
Multiple Visual indicators of tampering in leading PDF readers (e.g., Adobe Acrobat)

A digitally signed PDF (left) and an altered version of the same PDF (right). Alterations of digitally signed documents are easily identified
by leading PDF viewers
No-Code Integration
Eliminate the time and costs of integrating and maintaining digital signatures security with your existing systems (CRMs, billing, contracts). mxSeal gives you "No Code" digital signature integration. Leverage native email-sending capability embedded in all systems and send through mxSeal for easy and maintainable digital signature protection.

Empower employees with just a simple keyword
Integrate nearly any system with No Code
Demo Videos
Easily generate protected documents or integrate into your email domain for seamless protection when sending files externally
Getting file protected with go@sign.mxhero.com
Integration for seamless protection of email attachments sent externally
Key Benefits
No Software required
mxSeal is a SaaS product, requiring no software or hardware installation. It is compatible with every email service and works from every device (desktop, laptop or mobile phone)
High Security
mxSeal is built in partnership with GlobalSign. Documents are signed by GlobalSign's highly secure and leading digital signature service.
Easy for User Adoption
With no new software to learn or install, users can start protecting documents with powerful digital signatures on day one!
Rapid No Code Integration
Integrate any system (ERP, Web Form, billing) with no code leveraging native email capabilities.
Low Cost
Focused on digital signing, mxSeal is competitively priced, and less expensive than alternatives.
Flexible Configuration
Mail2Sign mxSeal can be limited to one or more authorized users in an organization through its intuitive administration panel.
Featured Article highlighting the new important of digital signatures
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