Critical files like financial documents, invoices, and permits are often targets for tampering. Digital signature technology provides a powerful safeguard preventing alterations and certifying a document's true origin for the lifetime of the file, even when copied or shared.
Many systems automatically generate files that can benefit from the protections afforded by digital signatures, like automated billing systems or a web form emitting a certification. Typically, integrating digital signature technology with these systems requires costly custom software development. An easier way to incorporate digital signatures into these systems is by using their native emailing ability and mxSeal.
Systems needing to protect their outputs can email files through mxSeal. mxSeal digitally signs the files attached to the email before delivery.
Integrating mxSeal is simple. First, create a mxSeal account at

Once created, the sending system needs only send emails with the files requiring digital protection to In the email's subject line, additional recipients are added within brackets.

The addressees in brackets are moved to the To field of the email and removed from the subject line during mxSeal processing.

Great for adding digital signature automation
Subject-line addressing works great for incorporating digital signing protections with automated systems. For example, without needing to perform costly custom development, you can use the above process to enable your ERP, billing system, or web form to send digitally signed documents by leveraging those systems' emailing capabilities.
To avoid needing to use subject-line addresses, read below.
Use email routing to avoid subject-line addresses
For a more integrated configuration, your email system can create a routing rule that reroutes emails with a particular hashtag or keyword directly through mxSeal. In this scenario, no subject-line addresses are needed. Below is a demo video of what this looks like:
Demo of an invoice sent as an email attachment being digitally signed. The video also shows how the file looks in a PDF viewer before and after being tampered with.
To configure email routing with Microsoft O365, follow this link. For Google Workspace, follow this link.
This article explained how to add powerful digital signature technology to protect & certify files generated from nearly any system without the elevated costs and complexity of software development by using mxSeal.